Products for hospitals
Careturner is designed to fit medical beds from a number of major bed manufacturers. Below you can find the current models for which we can provide Careturner solutions. You will find user manuals, quick guides, service manuals, etc. for each model by clicking on products names.
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Products for: Nursing homes | Home care


able nordic




able nordic



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Health Technology Assessment: Rødovre Municipality | Gladsaxe Municipality | Århus Municipality | Hvidovre Hospital & VihTek
Before, her whole body was stiff when she awoke, whereas now she is relatively mobile. In addition, she does not wake up during the turnings.
PhysiotherapistGladsaxe Municipality.
The product enables us to deliver better care with fewer resources as we can avoid pressure ulcers that are very expensive to handle and night staff can avoid spending time on turns.
Rødovre Municipality
The product enables us to deliver better care with fewer resources as we can avoid pressure ulcers that are very expensive to handle and night staff can avoid spending time on turns.
Rødovre Municipality Contact us Today!
If you would like to know more about our products or if you are interested in a sales or OEM partnership, please contact us.